Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Interconnectivity and Interdependency, Oh My!

When you think about it, interconnectivity is mind-boggling.  Consider, for instance all the people who were involved in getting you your breakfast... there is our beautiful Mother Earth to begin with, the farmer, the transforming entity, the transporter, the distributor, and finally the store where your breakfast was sold.  Makes you feel like royalty, doesn't it, to consider all these people who took part in making sure you got your breakfast!
It is interesting to contemplate how incredibly interlinked we really are with each other, despite what we may think!

This interconnectivity or interdependency is really rather omnipresent in our lives.  For instance, we find this in our own bodies, in that each organ and function relies on other organs and functions to work as well... obviously such links of interdependency also exist between countries, businesses, and all sorts of systems...

But all these systems, when you think about it, need the individual to make it work.  OK, if you decide to boycott a product or business, this one move may not necessarily make a big difference, but it will have an impact.  The same way that smoking one cigarette may not give you cancer, but it will do something to your body.

So let's go back to number 1, that's you.  If you are solidly grounded and free from toxins that could have adverse effects on your way of thinking and acting, you are going to be more prone to not only make better decisions, but your connections with others are more likely to be healthier as well.

There is an incredible book out that offers a little procedure for cleaning out backed-up body waste, which in turn will give you back your light and shine if followed correctly, and used regularly.  The name of the book is The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz.  You can see it here:

As we become guardians of our own health, not only will it improve, but we will be able to devote our time and energy to promoting wellness in all the systems with which we are interconnected.

Think about it, as we become healthier, we have more harmonious relationships, make wiser decisions, and the ripple effect becomes far-reaching.  Just like the above example of the farmer.  So many systems rely on this one entity, but it also relies on them.

In the body, as stated above, all systems work together, but the liver is really a major organ.  It filters out toxins and secretes bile to help the body in all its digestive and eliminative processes.  But a liver that is not working optimally cannot do this work as well, and disease and the aging process set in.

Chronic disease can be caused by a liver that is overly congested with gallstones in the liver, which clog the bile ducts, making the production of bile more difficult.  Often the gallbladder too will have these stones.  

Ridding the liver bile ducts of theses stones can help you regain strength, youth and your vital energy and health.  Of course, once this operation is done, it would be wise to continue with healthy habits, keep an optimistic mindset, and regularly do such cleansings.  This has the potential, if correctly followed, to add years to your life and to give you stamina you had forgotten you ever had.  Moreover, it puts you in charge of your health.  No other person is worthy of such a great honor.

The interconnectivity is easy to see and feel.  By jumping back into the driver's seat, you take back the power for your life, with all the good this entails!  Excited?

Why not give it try: