Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Occult Law of Indifference

I like the sound of this: The occult law of indifference.  It is quite essential in our blooming process.  I think flowers have this naturally.  You see them just opening themselves up to receive.  They exhibit their beauty without showing any signs of being self-conscious.  If the winds come along and shake them, or if the rain pours down on them, they do not act threatened or afraid, or miffed.  At least, they do not show it.  They continue to smile and to be beautiful.  They are not afraid of the dark, although they do sometimes close up at night to stay warm.  They are not put off by sharing their nectar with the birds and the bees...

And so we may want to take a lesson from them.  Imagine we play flowers today.  Let's just open ourselves up to receive, let's just exhibit our true beauty to everyone around us and offer our high vibrations to all.  And going a step further, when winds blow in and threaten to disturb our calm, or crows come by and caw, caw, caw at us, or when some other person or phenomenon threatens our peace, let's call on the occult law of indifference and say, None of this bothers me, none of this moves me...  It is a very trusty trick to wave over a situation.  I learned it from one of my favorite metaphysicians, Florence Scovel Shinn.  It completely goes along with the saying, "Energy flows where our attention goes." 

Flowers have innate beauty.  But I don't think they can think.  We can think.  That is what makes us different from them.  But let's let our thinking lead us to the light, not take us away from it.  When we withdraw our attention from a disturbance, the disturbance can no longer exist.  It will literally dry up, enabling us to continue to bloom.

If you don't already have it, get one of Florence's books, or the entire book of Wisdom that contains all four books.  They are magical!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning.
That was a lovely article. Coincidentally, I was just reading from Florence's "Wisdom" book this morning to start my day. Beautiful article, lovely picture. I like that "Energy flows where our attention goes." Thanks for sharing.
Lady Leo.