Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Keeping vibrations high...

In order to bloom, we need to keep our vibrations up.  This furthers growth, where as problems, worry and fear lower our vibrations, shorten our lives and can make us sick.  Worse, they will not enable us to bloom.
So we need to work on keeping our vibrations up.  Joseph  Campbell wrote: When you follow your bliss... doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't have been a door for anyone else.  Bliss keeps us in a state of good vibrations.  So anything that brings us bliss: walking, dancing, singing, listening to music, playing music... will also serve to raise our vibrations.
One of the easiest ways to raise our own vibrations is to use our own voice by singing and/or dancing with high vibration music that abounds.
How does this work?
It is simply using the law of attraction.  When our vibrations are high and joy-based, we attract other things to us with similar vibrations.  When we are sad and operating from a lower vibration, we attract this type of situation to us.  Quick, put on the music!  See the links below.

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