Friday, September 27, 2013


This YouTube video is instructive.  It tells how only the square root of one percent of the world's population can have healthy affects on the rest... think about that.  This is the logic behind prayer and meditation groups. 

Meditation really is a great tool that everyone should use daily.  It has the potential to change all our lives for the better.  What if we took that above equation so to speak, and turned it on ourselves.  We would come up with something like using the square root of 1% of our time to make positive changes in our lives.  Because my feeling is that we have to help ourselves before we can help others.  Make sense?

In that line of thinking, although anyone can meditate anywhere, my friend Kaitlyn offers a very interesting meditation kit on her Vibes Up site.  I have one myself.  I love the crystals that have been infused with her magic formula.  And the third-eye, pineal crystal that has also been treated with her special grounding formula.  It also comes with a tiny little tub of pineal cream and a grounding Earth energy meditation mat!

Like I said before, nobody really needs anything to meditate accept time and quiet.  But this little kit will help you make a beeline to inner peace. Using it is the next best thing to being in the pristine, beautiful outdoors, directly connected to Mother Earth.

Because the one thing we want to make sure we do when we meditate is stay grounded.  All the good we do is through our body.  As long as an idea stays an idea, it cannot help us.  We need to embody the idea and for that we need to stay grounded and bring it into our hearts.  What this little kit really does is help you awaken to your own power with all the good that that promises!  And more than anything, all Kaitlyn's products are fun because they have that element of magic that we have forgotten.
Go ahead, go check it out now!

Watch out world, here you come!


Isn't it exciting to think that there is another way of living that is possible?  It can be overwhelming to think about too.  There is that saying that the square root of 1% of the population can potentially change the world!  It is so easy to be bowled over by the idea of changing the world.  What can we do, we feel helpless...

I do believe there are always little things we can do.  We're not going to make global warming go away in a day but we can do little things that add up.  Recycle, drive less, random acts of kindness.  Because let's face it, if we are feeling good about ourselves, it's obviously going to be easier for us to bloom.

I also think that win-win solutions really have potential to make us feel good all over.  Kaitlyn Keyt has developed refillable personal care products, deodorant, tooth paste, soap, facial cleaner, shampoo and conditioner!  Wowee!  See for yourselves: 

The great thing about these products is not only that they are not bad for us or for the Earth, they are also good for both of us!!!  Isn't that just amazing?  We are so used to having to read labels and  to juggle our own needs and desires with Mother Earth's...  But Kaitlyn has given us these products that not only clean us, leave no toxic residue either on our skin or in the Earth. 

When the bubbles go down the drain, you can know that Mother Earth is being cleaned and taken of care of in much the way you are!  And believe me, the very thought increases inner love and of course helps us BLOOM!

So go check out Kaitlyn's products and see for yourself. 


As within, so without....

Do you know about EFT?  EFT, a.k.a. Emotional Freedom Technique, was developed by a man name Gary Craig.  It is a beautiful way of breaking of energetic blocks and of moving energy through the body.  If we are to bloom, we cannot let ourselves get weighed down by heavy energy.  Our mantra needs to be light, light, light!  Because as within, so without.  In this vein, I am passing on a gift, which I received in my inbox from Dr. Patricia Carrington, an EFT authority par excellence!  I think you will find more ease and flow in your life as you get into practicing this little routine and making it yours.  Enjoy!

 According to Dr. Teresa Lynch, each day has its unique characteristics, lessons and gifts.  Greeting the day and night allows us to connect with their unique energy, on a universal plane, creating a ripple of harmony for ourselves and others.  The exercises below will take you only a couple minutes to do each day and night, but will bring profound balance, healing and energy into your life.

If at all possible, do the activities outside.  If this in impossible however, open the window wide to let the morning and night energies in to do their work.

Greeting the day

Step outside, or up to an open window.  Close your eyes and very gently take a couple deep breaths.  Then greet the day in your way.  For instance, you may want to say something like, “Day, I greet you and your unique energies.  I receive your life force into all my systems, and am excited about discovering all your possibilities.”

Now take a few moments, with your eyes closed, to feel if there is some place in your body where you energy or emotions feel stuck.  Bring your attention to this place and repeat, “Soften and flow” several times, until you feel the energy beginning to move. Then bring your attention back to your breath and repeat, “Day, I greet you.  Thank you for your unique lessons today.”

Now, before stepping back into your day, do this little EFT procedure.  (For those new to EFT, gently tap with the finger tips of one hand, the spot mentioned, while repeating the phrase, and then move on to the next spot and its phrase... Begin by hitting your two karate chop points (directly below the little fingers) together repetitively...

Tap-Along for Greeting the Day (by Pat Carrington)

For this tapping experience begin with the Karate Chop Spot.

Karate Chop Spot:  Even if I am not in the best of moods
…or am tense, or anxious,.. or otherwise not  feeling on top of life...
Inner Eyebrow: I choose to greet you, Day, as an entirely new Being.
Outer eye:  I choose to open to your newness.
Under eye: I choose to know that whatever came before, was before.
Under nose:  …Not now.
Under mouth:  Day, you come upon the scene with an entirely fresh energy
Collarbone: You are new and faultless
Under Arm:  I feel your birth
Top of Head:  I feel your freshness
Inner eyebrow:  I greet your "potential"
Outer eye:  ...knowing it has nothing of the past.
Under eye:  I embrace you, Day, with all your new energy.
Under mouth:  I love you.
Collarbone:  Thank you for bringing me all these new possibilities.

Greeting the night
You can do this at night fall or before you go to bed.

Step outside or up to your open window.  Close your eyes and breathe in the night air and then, from your heart say, “Night, I greet you.  Thank you for the day's journey, its lessons and gifts and thank you for your assistance in clearing away energies into your vast abundance.”  Come back to a moment of stillness before getting on with your night activities.

Tap-Along for Greeting the Night
Karate Chop Spot:  I greet you Night and your ability to take away whatever is no longer needed.
Inner eyebrow:  I greet your ability to absorb into your infinite depths all of the day’s possible disruptions,  confusion or moments of distress.
Outer eye:  I feel you drawing all this up and away from me.
Under eye:  …and into your endless self.
Under nose:  I greet your dark skies that have no beginning and no end
Under mouth:  I embrace the energy of the night that wipes away all that came before, in gentle darkness.
Collarbone:  I greet you, Night.
Under arm:  I feel your immense healing
Top of Head:  I absorb your spirit into my own.
Inner eyebrow:  Thank you, Night, for being here with me

For more information on EFT and the above authors, see the following Web sites:

Patricia Carrington

Teresa Lynch:


Look at this beautiful bird.   It doesn't have to do much to be beautiful.  It just is.  Part of blooming is also about tapping your inner beauty, about getting to know and honor it.  Remember when our moms used to tell us when we were little, “Pretty is as pretty does.”  Well, I think what they were saying was that our outside appearances reflected our inner disposition.  Haven't you ever noticed how a piece of clothing can make you either feel very attractive, or on the contrary, very demagnetized?  Beauty is a feeling; a good feeling!

There are many ways to tap our inner beauty.  Looking at beautiful paintings, or landscapes, for instance.  Back in the days of Antique Greece, when Greek women were pregnant, they were surrounded by beauty - wall hangings and ornaments to ensure the beauty of the unborn child.  Just looking at this bird raises our vibrations.  And that is basically what beauty does.  It increases our joy with all the good that entails!

Another way to tap inner beauty would be to do something that makes you feel beautiful like have your hair done, or get a manicure, take a spa day, buy a new piece of clothing, or wear a Vibes Up piece of gem jewelry like the Earth Aura Pendant that you can see here:

This little beauty from Mother Earth does wonders for strengthening and clearing our aura field, which just helps us bloom and tap our own inner magic and beauty.

We often think we need something from the outside, but the fact is we do not.  We have all we need within.  That is why I love Vibes Up products, because they bring us energy that helps us tap our own, something like taking a vitamin.  The vitamin acts like a catalyst for various processes in the body, in the same way Vibes Up products catalyze our energy system. 

Walking in nature, being around flowers, arranging flowers, creating something, even a lovely meal for family or friends, putting order in our work or living space are all ways to tap our inner sense of beauty in order to bring us boundless joy, which in turn will raise our vibrations and those around us.  Let your senses be you your guide... they will tell you, “You are beautiful!” 

Hurry Down!

What is it about hurrying that is so toxic?  Here I found myself with an unexpected free day and I felt myself immediately tense up as a whole list of things to do began competing for my attention!  Woe, woe, I said internally.  I was now unexpectedly exhausted.  But I decided to take a look at "hurry" and tried to analyze the baggage it came with.

Basically, being in a hurry implies we don't have enough time, so comes from a place of lack, which stems from fear.  It is a little like walking in front of ourselves, ahead of ourselves.  I have noted that when I walk hurriedly the upper part of my body leans forward while my legs are trying to "catch up."  Sounds hilarious, doesn't it? Yet, I realize I become completely uncentered and out of alignment.  Woe girl, I want to say, come back.  Come back to a place of peace and poise from which so much is possible.  That is, when we are aligned with our field of possibility. 

There are a few ways that I know of to get re-aligned with this so important part of ourselves... The first one that comes to mind is through meditation.  But we cannot meditate on the street.  Still, if we meditate each morning, we will find our needs to hurry decrease exponentially.

Another way to align would be through breathing.  This is something we can access immediately.  Often when we hurry, we unconsciously hold our breath to make us go faster!  Another way would be Vibes Up Divine Soles! 

My feeling is that by using these, we probably wouldn't be rushing to begin with as they help us stay incredibly grounded by linking us to the energy of Mother Earth.  I know it sounds like magic, and it is.  Once you try these, you will want one for every pair of shoes you have, or you will be moving them around a lot.  

Yet another way would be to walk barefoot on Mother Earth.  This is a great way to recharge ourselves with new, fresh and good energy while "dumping" old, toxic energy.  Don't worry, Mother Earth has the ability to transform it.  The aforementioned soles are great when we don't have the luxury of grass or nature around us.  I have a pair in my office that I stand on when I need an energy boost or when I have had a particularly trying phone call, etc.  Be sure to check out the Divine Soles below. They have lots of other amazing properties as well! 

Because Life is too full of riches to hurry through it!  When we hurry, we often miss the priceless little nuggets.