Friday, September 27, 2013


Look at this beautiful bird.   It doesn't have to do much to be beautiful.  It just is.  Part of blooming is also about tapping your inner beauty, about getting to know and honor it.  Remember when our moms used to tell us when we were little, “Pretty is as pretty does.”  Well, I think what they were saying was that our outside appearances reflected our inner disposition.  Haven't you ever noticed how a piece of clothing can make you either feel very attractive, or on the contrary, very demagnetized?  Beauty is a feeling; a good feeling!

There are many ways to tap our inner beauty.  Looking at beautiful paintings, or landscapes, for instance.  Back in the days of Antique Greece, when Greek women were pregnant, they were surrounded by beauty - wall hangings and ornaments to ensure the beauty of the unborn child.  Just looking at this bird raises our vibrations.  And that is basically what beauty does.  It increases our joy with all the good that entails!

Another way to tap inner beauty would be to do something that makes you feel beautiful like have your hair done, or get a manicure, take a spa day, buy a new piece of clothing, or wear a Vibes Up piece of gem jewelry like the Earth Aura Pendant that you can see here:

This little beauty from Mother Earth does wonders for strengthening and clearing our aura field, which just helps us bloom and tap our own inner magic and beauty.

We often think we need something from the outside, but the fact is we do not.  We have all we need within.  That is why I love Vibes Up products, because they bring us energy that helps us tap our own, something like taking a vitamin.  The vitamin acts like a catalyst for various processes in the body, in the same way Vibes Up products catalyze our energy system. 

Walking in nature, being around flowers, arranging flowers, creating something, even a lovely meal for family or friends, putting order in our work or living space are all ways to tap our inner sense of beauty in order to bring us boundless joy, which in turn will raise our vibrations and those around us.  Let your senses be you your guide... they will tell you, “You are beautiful!” 

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