Friday, September 27, 2013


Isn't it exciting to think that there is another way of living that is possible?  It can be overwhelming to think about too.  There is that saying that the square root of 1% of the population can potentially change the world!  It is so easy to be bowled over by the idea of changing the world.  What can we do, we feel helpless...

I do believe there are always little things we can do.  We're not going to make global warming go away in a day but we can do little things that add up.  Recycle, drive less, random acts of kindness.  Because let's face it, if we are feeling good about ourselves, it's obviously going to be easier for us to bloom.

I also think that win-win solutions really have potential to make us feel good all over.  Kaitlyn Keyt has developed refillable personal care products, deodorant, tooth paste, soap, facial cleaner, shampoo and conditioner!  Wowee!  See for yourselves: 

The great thing about these products is not only that they are not bad for us or for the Earth, they are also good for both of us!!!  Isn't that just amazing?  We are so used to having to read labels and  to juggle our own needs and desires with Mother Earth's...  But Kaitlyn has given us these products that not only clean us, leave no toxic residue either on our skin or in the Earth. 

When the bubbles go down the drain, you can know that Mother Earth is being cleaned and taken of care of in much the way you are!  And believe me, the very thought increases inner love and of course helps us BLOOM!

So go check out Kaitlyn's products and see for yourself. 

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